Rural Fire Service Queensland said until further notice, open fires must not be lit anywhere:
- On Fraser Island, including in fire rings at Dundubara and Waddy Point
- In Cooloola, including Teewah Beach and Poverty Point campgrounds
- In the Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area.
RFSQ said open fires were defined as wood fires that were not fully self-contained, including: open campfires, braziers, drums, other open containers, and QPWS supplied fire-rings and barbecues.
The fire prohibition was in place due to increasing high fire danger conditions above acceptable levels prescribed in the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service fire preparedness procedure.
“It will remain in place until the risk of wildfire moderates,” RFSQ said.
Permitted cooking and heating appliances include fuel stoves using manufactured fuels such as LPG, hexamine fuel blocks, briquettes or heat beads:
- Off the ground (recommended minimum height 200mm) and should not result in ash or coal deposit on the ground
- Must be a fully self-contained unit (e.g. ‘Ozpig’ heating appliance).
- Must be well away from vegetation.
RFSQ said the fire prohibition would remain in place until conditions moderated.
still want campire cooking and heating on Fraser island? One of the fee APPROVED Permitted cooking and heating appliances is the fabulous OZ-PIG <CLICK HERE>